survey of El Capitan Open Space Preserve October 25, 2008 [start on Blue Sky Ranch Rd E of Wildcat Canyon Rd] 54-758-53-25 on the road and going E 754-981 759-916-"drwy" driveway to the L 762-834-"drwy" driveway to the L 758-755-"drwy" Blue Sky Ranch driveway to R 758-726 758-690 753-669 738-642 728-640-gate gate across on road, and staging area to R [I walk around staging area] 734-651 724-659 712-664 707-653 connect this area to the gate, mark as point A, end of this part [728-640!] [we stop to rest at the staging area] resume at point A [707-653] 702-654 we turn L into trail 696-645 710-631 723-623 730-616 735-608 738-612 742-608 750-610 745-601 739-599 733-592 724-603 709-607 698-609 706-604 715-593 722-585 720-576 717-578 710-583 713-571 709-572 712-562 708-562 709-556 715-555 719-548 734-551 748-550 733-544 741-537 738-518 731-510 719-503 719-482 728-474 733-451 735-421 729-418-"join road" we join the road we turn L 714-400-"1 mile" the one-mile marker 704-385 681-377-"side trail" unmarked side trail to R [previously surveyed] 660-360 649-347-"side trail" a side trail to the L that trail to the L does not go to El Cajon Mountain, according to a participant who hiked there last week 645-322 660-301 673-275 681-253 703-241 714-228 700-202 691-186 684-166 665-132 660-116 666-82 674-68 695-49 719-17 732-3 741-978 750-882 753-831 737-785 719-745 714-730 720-717-plaque interpretive plaque to the R 729-704 739-669 751-646-"2 mile" two-mile marker 760-629 795-603 806-585 811-544 822-499 847-463 863-453 889-425 890-417 874-369 866-348-"side trail" side trail to R 856-298 841-254-"side trail" side trail to R, apparently other end of trail called previously 833-202 855-191 843-174 800-140 770-133-plaque interpretive plaque to the L 54-765-51-134! we stop for lunch, end of this part the trip odometer says 2.73 miles [we go back the way we came] corners of parking area: 54-765-53-60 785-63 783-83 762-79 [connect to 54-765-53-60!] end of this part